Thursday, September 18, 2008

In class again

Yes I am sitting in class again bored. Well I am waiting for it to start.

So I started applying for jobs. My favorite, of course, is the museum one. As I think most people who know me I have always wanted to work in a museum. I also applied for a part time online teaching position. It pays nothing but the experience will be worth it for later. I am hoping to do it for about 6 months. It's evening hours anyway.

Well I am blown away with how Houston is recovering from Ike. It is so surreal for me to hear and read about the damage and the aftermath. Luckily, our house is fine. Alex' dad already checked it out. He even hired someone to pick up the branches already.

On another note, things are pretty tight around here. There were a few moments when we didn't know what we were going to do. But we came through.

Last thing, I have never read an Ann Rice book have you?
Here is a link to her website: Ann Rice
Just in case you don't know who she is!
Miami is coming up fast and furious!!
Ta, ta for now

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Happy New Year!

It is exciting to be back! I am here at school everyone else is having problems getting online! lol
So many things have happened since we came back from Houston. Just Houston was a crazy trip in itself, lol.

Well, lets see, I walked in on M and her new man!!! That was quite embarrasing. Even so he is a twenty five year old hottie! Yum Yum!

David's back at school. His teacher is an older teacher and we will see how that goes.

Daniel is not sleeping well, that's annoying.

Back in class today is cool cause I know most of my classmates. I am very shy, no matter what people say so when I already know people I can be myself!

Ummm let's see...
Can't wait to see that woman movie,
I've been cooking
Oh yeah
Nana went to the hospital Friday night cause she had the stomach flu like us. Alex also got it and he was like giving us his farewells. So now I know it runs in the family.

I bought some new shoes and people actually noticed them. They were on sale and I needed some slip ons.
guess that's it for now.