Monday, November 24, 2008

So I am addicted to novel adventures! It's so cute. I like this last episode they have pole dancing. Now why did I think of JC and Fudruckers? Speaking of I walked by a fudruckers the other day and man it smelled goood.

Thanksgiving is here and even though we left Houston because of the family craziness, it's still pretty weird. Pretty much every holiday we will spend with his sister.

Yes, I am a bah humbug person. I don't know why I am so anti-family, that's for a therapist way down the road to figure out. It's just part of who I am. I am not antifamily against my little group but against those who annoy me! lol hence The Vmeister. So now I had invited Carlos over to make the evening bearable but now we are going to their house. And we can't invite Carlos, or maybe we can, because they are really weird about who goes to their house. But I don't want to have to cook a
separate dinner. lol

So did you know that when you type you are supposed to only leave 1 space after punctuating? I didn't know that, hence above! They say it's leaves to much white space?

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Okay be jealous!!

So David and I just got back from watching twilight! It was very fun. David and I were on our "date", watched twilight, witnessed the q & a with the director and then went out for ice cream. I have to say that my favorite part of the night was spending time with David. The movie was great. I won't say too much more until Monday. Listening to the director was tre cool! I would have been sad to not be able to go with Lily to see it but having David helped me cope. Miss ya Lily! Can't wait to hear what you have to say. bye for now, Dee