Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Sierra Madre Fire

Okay so the fires are crazy! This weekend has just been a strange roller coaster. It's amazing how tight the community is though, as well as organized. We've been told to not go outside because of the smoke. It's very deceiving though cause it looks like a beautiful day but when you do go out you can tell you body is working harder. Big D wen back to school today. We were supposed to celebrate their birthdays this Friday at the park but we're not sure if the smoke will let us. I guess we'll see. Things are not really that bad. They could have been so much worse. They seem to be containing the fire well.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Loss is never easy.

Today I learned that my sister n law's brother died. It was very sad. He had 4 children. Death is always a wake up call. The last time we saw him was, I want to say, around Christmas of 2006. He was such a cool guy. I remember when I first met him I was around 11, but I had the biggest crush on him. He wasn't the best looking but he seemed to have a cool way about him. It's funny cause after he divorced his wife he actually married a girl younger then me!

We went to the beach today with Mary, my manager. It was me and the kids and her and her daughter. Little D just loved the sand, he just got on his tummy and wiggled around. Big D had a blast dancing on the beach and running away from the waves. A couple of waves almost got littles!

I started classes again. I am taking a web design class and a multiple intelligences class. One of my professors read this quote by Elenor Roosevelt:

"You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face."

That sums up how I feel every time I start a new class. I get this horrible fear before hand, but once I get through it I feel rewarded. Not sure where the fear comes from but it's quite scary!

My nerves were really going about web design. But as it turns out it's not that difficult. I will be able to get through it. In my other class I felt really good about my professor. She's a little scattered but I just got this strange feeling that I was meant to be there. Have you ever felt that? It's this weird like moment.....Okay like in the Matrix when Neo can see the code at the that the make believe world is written in. I had to really try not to cry, I know really weird!

Now I feel like crying but not in the good way. I feel really bad for C. and my brother, as well as her family.