Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Sierra Madre Fire

Okay so the fires are crazy! This weekend has just been a strange roller coaster. It's amazing how tight the community is though, as well as organized. We've been told to not go outside because of the smoke. It's very deceiving though cause it looks like a beautiful day but when you do go out you can tell you body is working harder. Big D wen back to school today. We were supposed to celebrate their birthdays this Friday at the park but we're not sure if the smoke will let us. I guess we'll see. Things are not really that bad. They could have been so much worse. They seem to be containing the fire well.


Anonymous said...

awesome picture, did you take that? LC

Cynthia said...

WOW! that can be scary! Glad that you are OK! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I have the Little Lady Agency in my pile to read. Hopefully this summer I will get to it. Some many books and not enough time.

Anonymous said...

Elvis, said that he really liked the picture, he thinks ou should sell it.