Saturday, April 25, 2009

Update finally

Okay, so last night I went to an Evening of Celebrating Women, hosted by the Gay and Lesbian Center. Alex asked if I would work the auction with him. It was very cool. Saw lots of celebs, heard Christina Aguilara sing, very good live singer by the way, at the end of the night Samantha Ronson was the DJ. I have worked another event by the Gay and Lesbian Center there weren't so many celebs. The people who put the event together are really cool and always make me feel welcome.

Oh yeah so they picked the director for Eclipse:

Friday, March 6, 2009

Kindle App on the iPhone

Denver Internet Examiner: Amazon's Kindle App on the iPhone

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Yeey! Kindle on the iphone and itouch! Now I am really thinking about getting an itouch!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Podcasting? What is that?

As to your question about podcasts:
Podcasts can either be audio or video and range topics a to z. They are pretty cool cuz you subscribe to them using itunes or other programs and they are free.Plus if you use itunes they automatically update the newest podcast to your computer or ipod. A lot of tv shows or people have a podcast that they put out every week. For example for my girlfriend the reggaeton lover
click and see! There is also several twilight podcasts, one of which is called imprints

As far as education goes:
They are really great if you want to fill in parents on what you've covered. Or if you wanted give extra info on a topic. Some teachers do a podcast on what will be covered on an upcoming test or if a student has special needs they will do a podcast to help them study. You can post them on itunes or on your blog or there are sites that have a list of podcasts. One teacher pretended to interview a penguin as her podcast. There are some highschool chemestry teachers in Colorado who no longer assign regular homework but assign students to listen or watch the podcast of the lecture. And when they come to class they actually do the hands on or problems they would have gotten for hw. Its all very interesting.

Here are some educational podcasts:
Podbean kinder podcasts
Kindergarten Class podcast

Monday, March 2, 2009

Another week gone by!

All right so my professor just mentioned the craziest website: Every day they sell one product. Yes only one!
So my podcast is finally working. So go and listen to my watermelon podcast.

I can't wait to go to Houston in April.

As you can tell I am a little bit bored. So I know you have been waiting for me to dish....
I don't know what is up with Nana! She has been really weird and calling every day to check on her "babies"! She came by our house on Saturday and Sunday! Really strange. Not only does she call me but also Alex. Neither of the boys are sick and nothing is going on. Any ideas?
I tried to make potato soup today. It was going great but then towards the end I noticed it was a little watery so I added a little Bisquick to thicken it. When I was done I ended up with mashed potatoes! So Alex asked if we were having anything else besides mashed potatoes! But it was yummmmy! Next time extra water and no Bisquick!
have you tired any of those Bisquick recipes?
See ya soon!

Monday, February 23, 2009

So I am sitting in class again! I was late today cause I had the hairbrained idea to go to Venice beach! Well I have a video to put together and I needed a living statue. Of course it's monday so blue guy wasn't there! It's always nice to walk Venice. We love the homes on the path, ultra sleek and modern! We hit traffic on the way home. So I was late.

So here is a link to my second podcast.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Fabio, oh Fabio

So Fabio was sent home tonight on Top Chef. I was really sad, boo hoo. Okay, so it's not really an attraction thing, he's good looking but it's a fun thing. I think that most of the time I have been watching him and not so much the show! He's actually really funny. It's been fun watching him try to communicate with others. It's kind of like when I was little and had to listen to my mom talk English to people, very entertaining because both sets of people are trying to understand the other. The circles they go through to say something simple is pretty funny. And now all that is gone. So I refuse to watch the finale!

What's really annoying is that I am watching the show but stalling to do my homework assignments. I am just having a hard time getting into them (both classes). They are actually very cool. It's a motivation thing.
P.S. have you hear about twitter? IT's pretty cool. If you sign up my name is dorisgaby.

Monday, February 16, 2009

All right! so i am in class. we are on a dinner break. Which is like a 30 minute break. Boring I just want to get out and get ready for heroes! Speaking of this guy in this class he was like totally dissing my show last week. I almost didn't talk to him today but I felt like I would cut him some slack.

On another note I had ordered my books for this class last week and I was waiting all week for them cause I had ordered this book I want to read "Four Play" by Jane Moore. Anyway so I am like tracking it online and then finally we hear a thump at the door on Saturday (v-day). Yey! there is the box. I like drop everything (we had been getting ready to bake biscuits) and cut open the box. There were the books I ordered for David, very cool ch. books which he quickly shoved behind a speaker in the living room! lol Then I get to my books for class very pretty, but verrry borring. Then i, reach under them to get to my prize and I get to the bottom of the box! My heart screams oh noooooo! I had forgotten that I had two lists going one was through amazon, which had the jane moore book, and the other through borders(which didn't). To save on my money I had ordered borders!!!!! NOOOOOOOO! So no book!
lol I can laugh about it now! At the time not so much!

I was going to include a pic of myself today but it didn't come out right. I have these white splotches on the front of my red sweater. I am afraid that I have been slimed! Little Danny boy was playing with slime and in my rush to get out the door, i guess it transfered. I didn't have a chance to change before class so I came to class slimed, but it doesn't look like slime it actually looks like I have slobbered all over myself! Nice, huh!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Are you there?

I am alive. More coming soon!