Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Podcasting? What is that?

As to your question about podcasts:
Podcasts can either be audio or video and range topics a to z. They are pretty cool cuz you subscribe to them using itunes or other programs and they are free.Plus if you use itunes they automatically update the newest podcast to your computer or ipod. A lot of tv shows or people have a podcast that they put out every week. For example for my girlfriend the reggaeton lover
click and see! There is also several twilight podcasts, one of which is called imprints

As far as education goes:
They are really great if you want to fill in parents on what you've covered. Or if you wanted give extra info on a topic. Some teachers do a podcast on what will be covered on an upcoming test or if a student has special needs they will do a podcast to help them study. You can post them on itunes or on your blog or there are sites that have a list of podcasts. One teacher pretended to interview a penguin as her podcast. There are some highschool chemestry teachers in Colorado who no longer assign regular homework but assign students to listen or watch the podcast of the lecture. And when they come to class they actually do the hands on or problems they would have gotten for hw. Its all very interesting.

Here are some educational podcasts:
Podbean kinder podcasts
Kindergarten Class podcast

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